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Diamond blades potong aspal Husqvarna VARI-VUT S85 400mm(16″)
Easy cuts in abrasive materials and asphalt
Equipped with protection segments to resist the abrasive working conditions and increase lifetime, even in the toughest conditions.
Ideal for asphalt
Thanks to protection against undercutting.
Good balance between performance and cost
This diamond tool has a good performance/price ratio thanks to the high performance output in relation to the tool investment.
Easy-fit centre hole
Our ‘Easy-fit’ system allows the expansion of the bore hole from 20.0 to 25.4 mm. This enables you to mount the blade on different types of machines (power cutter, table saw, floor saw).
– Optimal
– Good
Abrasive, Green concrete, Green concrete (abrasive) hard, Green concrete (abrasive) soft
– Diameter 400mm
– Blade Configuration segmented
– Segment height 10 mm
– Coolant dry
– Arbor diameter 25.4 mm
– Power range max 6 kW
– Power rank min 3.5 kW
? Tags Wilayah: Papua BaratCorona 640ml Rp. 704.000/Karton Corona 355ml Rp. 908.000/Karton Corona Kaleng Rp. 1.050.000/Karton UD Sarindo Bintang Beer Distributor Beer Sales Nama: Parwi Wa: 0812-1130-9194 Email: ud.sarindobintangbeer@gmail.com
Toko Marga Setia Alamat : Jalan H.Kelik No.20B RT.03/RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat Marketing : Kurniawan Phone : 081384449443 / 087779284044 WhatsApp :... Selengkapnya)
Toko Marga Setia Alamat : Jalan H.Kelik No.20B RT.03/RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat Marketing : Kurniawan Phone : 081384449443 / 087779284044 WhatsApp :... Selengkapnya)